The Content2021-04-05T13:16:46-07:00


QR Clothing Brand

OBJECTIVE: Ending Poverty

A clothing brand focused on ending poverty.


Imagine a brand you can wear that isn’t just some status symbol to show how much money you got. A brand that works for you and your people to rise up and make a serious change in this world. Instead of how much money you got, it shows people your support for financial literacy. Ending Poverty isn’t something that can happen by chance, it MUST be intentional. Ending Poverty isn’t something that can happen by one person. It takes the whole tribe to come together with a plan.

In the past, we might of asked for a politician to fix our educational system.

In the past, we might of requested somebody to do something to adjust the poverty levels.

In the past, we might of begged for equal treatment and opportunities for our children.

That was when we were all disconnected from one another. It isn’t the past no more.

Take a look at this graph real fast and allow us to break it down:

Disclaimer: Graph is taken from a search of Dow on 10-21-2020 and is believed to be reliable data. We do not guarantee the accuracy of data collected by third parties. See their disclaimer here.

This graph shows the Dow Jones stock market index. The exact date of December 1st, 1995 isn’t relevant other than to show you marker of when things shifted. This marks the beginning of the internet era. Not the origins of the interest because that was much earlier, but the point where how profitable the connection of the masses could be. Businesses now could connect to everyone without having gatekeepers that controlled who got ad space, what business could reach out to what audience, etc. It was fair game. All of it.

The next part we want you to pay attention to is how the graph goes up. You might see some dips along the way and we’re going to take a minute to speak about that. Those are called corrections. Sometimes they are big like a recession or a depression and sometimes they are not as big. They are necessary though to build a strong foundation for future growth. See how after every dip the graph recovers to where it dropped from and that surpasses it? That’s the point being made.

Imagine you are filling a hole with sand with the goal of having it become as solid as the foundation around it. If you just filled the hole up with sand up to the top and did nothing else and then tried to walk over it, you’d sink. This is because even though sand is very small to our eyes, it still shaped odd and the oddness of those shapes causes spaces and gaps when they are just dropped into a space without pressure. So create a foundation in that hole you have to pack the sand down. It seems like the dip is in opposition to progress but it isn’t. It is showing you where to foundation level is at in order to build without collapse.





Quit Rich

SUBJECT: Addictions

How much are your habits costing you?


This content was designed to showcase how much addictions are costing people in a financial sense. It’s one thing to add up how much you spend on a daily, monthly, or even yearly basis… but when you add financial education to the equation things get very interesting. For instance, a smoker can give up millions of dollars in wealth over the course of the time they turn 18 until they retire at 67!!!

We created Quit Rich to be a catalyst to why people NEED to learn how important it is to become financially literate. The current content for this section is a habit calculator, a compound interest calculator, and an interactive companion podcast for those who wish to quit smoking but would like to quit with another person.






SUBJECT: Financial Education

An introduction to finance.


This content is a free financial education platform designed to teach an introduction to finance. The goal we have in mind is to teach people how they can set up an investment account as well as have an understanding of how investments work.

This content was designed to showcase how much addictions are costing people in a financial sense. It’s one thing to add up how much you spend on a daily, monthly, or even yearly basis… but when you add financial education to the equation things get very interesting. For instance, a smoker can give up millions of dollars in wealth over the course of the time they turn 18 until they retire at 67!!!

We created Quit Rich to be a catalyst to why people NEED to learn how important it is to become financially literate. The current content for this section is a habit calculator, a compound interest calculator, and an interactive companion podcast for those who wish to quit smoking but would like to quit with another person.






Scribe The Legend

SUBJECT: Podcast Discussion

Ending poverty through conversation.


This content was designed to showcase how much addictions are costing people in a financial sense. It’s one thing to add up how much you spend on a daily, monthly, or even yearly basis… but when you add financial education to the equation things get very interesting. For instance, a smoker can give up millions of dollars in wealth over the course of the time they turn 18 until they retire at 67!!!

We created Quit Rich to be a catalyst to why people NEED to learn how important it is to become financially literate. The current content for this section is a habit calculator, a compound interest calculator, and an interactive companion podcast for those who wish to quit smoking but would like to quit with another person.





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